Our Flight Heritage

Our flight heritage stands as a testament to a journey filled with innovation, passion, and groundbreaking success.
Our Flight Heritage is built on solid foundations of technical expertise, rigorous process management, and years of hands-on experience. From the intricacies of project conceptualization to the exacting standards of launch execution, our track record speaks to a deep understanding of aerospace challenges and solutions.
Missions Achieved: Satellites Launched with our Antennas


The EyeSat satellite, launched on the 18th of December 2019, is a mission orchestrated by CNES (the French National Centre for Space Studies) with the primary objective of demonstrating and validating advanced space technologies.
Specifically designed to observe the zodiacal light and Milky Way’s interstellar medium, EyeSat promises to contribute valuable scientific data to the astronomical community.
Integral to its operational success were three state-of-the-art antennas provided by Anywaves, optimized for S-band and X-band frequencies. These antennas ensured robust and dependable communication links between the satellite and its terrestrial counterparts, underscoring the synergy between CNES’s ambitious objectives and Anywaves’ technological prowess.


The “Angels” satellite, another notable initiative by CNES (the French National Centre for Space Studies), represents one of the most compact yet advanced nano-satellite platforms geared towards enhancing Earth observation capabilities.
Set against the backdrop of advancing French space technology, Angels aims to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of miniaturized satellite solutions in collecting high-resolution data from space.
A fundamental part of this mission’s communication infrastructure was backed by Anywaves’ precision-engineered antennas. Specifically tailored for S-band and X-band frequencies, these antennas served as the satellite’s lifeline, ensuring seamless and reliable data transmission between space and Earth.


The N3SS (Nanosat 3U pour la Surveillance du Spectre) satellite, initiated by CNES, operates as an in-orbit demonstrator, emphasizing planetary surveillance of the civilian radiofrequency spectrum in the L and S bands and keenly analyzing jamming sources.
Developed by the startup U-Space and inspired by the EyeSat platform, its communication capabilities are bolstered by Anywaves’ precision-engineered antennas.
While the S-Band TT&C Antenna showcases a strong flight heritage, the innovative Ceramic 3D Printed GNSS L1/E1 Bands Antenna, developed under an ESA contract, marks its inaugural journey, contributing significantly to the satellite’s mission goals.

Omnispace Spark

In 2022, the Omnispace Spark Program witnessed two critical launches, Spark-1 in April and Spark-2, both aimed at establishing a revolutionary global non-terrestrial network (NTN). With Thales Alenia Space at the helm of satellite design and production, collaborations extended to industry partners like NanoAvionics, Syrlinks, and notably, Anywaves.
Deployed aboard a SpaceX Transporter mission facilitated by Exolaunch, these satellites represent a new age of connectivity. Operating in the specialized 3GPP band n256, they’re destined to deliver direct IoT and global device connections.
More than just enhancing mobile communication, this endeavor heralds the world’s first 5G-capable satellite network. At the forefront of this innovation, Anywaves stands out with its role in supplying the S-Band antennas, ensuring consistent and direct user connectivity worldwide.

YAM-3, YAM-5 & YAM-6

The YAM-3, YAM-5 and YAM-6 missions, part of Loft Orbital’s “Yet Another Mission” series, signify a leap in satellite deployment strategies. Launched aboard SpaceX’s Falcon 9, these missions represent innovative approaches to carrying diverse payloads on prefabricated satellite buses. YAM-3, launched in June 2021, YAM-5, launched in January 2023 and YAM-6 launched in March 2024, continue to showcase the versatility and efficiency of bundling multiple payloads. Anywaves has played an integral role in these missions by providing specialized S-band antennas, ensuring effective communication for the satellites. These missions not only showcased the adaptability of Anywaves’ antenna solutions but also solidified a strong partnership with Loft Orbital, marking a new chapter in the versatile YAM series in the dynamic satellite services arena.


Nara Space marked a significant achievement with the successful launch of Observer-1A on November 11, 2023, aboard SpaceX’s Falcon 9, facilitated by Exolaunch. This 16U satellite, dedicated to Earth observation, is equipped to capture high-resolution imagery across seven spectral bands from 450 to 900 nm, supporting a wide range of applications including environmental monitoring and urban planning. Anywaves contributed significantly by providing the X-band antenna, crucial for efficient data communication. Looking ahead, Nara Space plans to launch Observer-1B, Observer-1A’s twin, in the first half of 2024, as part of an ambitious project to deploy a constellation of 96 satellites over five years.


Sidus Space celebrated the launch of LizzieSat™ into low Earth orbit on March 4, 2024, aboard SpaceX’s Transporter-10. This mission, characterized by the integration of Anywaves’ S-Band TT&C antennas into LizzieSat™, marks a significant advancement in space-based data collection and satellite communication. Targeting a broad spectrum of industries, LizzieSat™ employs innovative technologies, including advanced sensors and AI capabilities, to revolutionize earth observation. The mission’s success paves the way for Sidus Space’s ambitious plan to launch a constellation of satellites, enhancing global data utilization with cutting-edge efficiency.


Space Machines Company has launched Optimus, Australia’s largest private satellite, from Vandenberg Space Force Base aboard SpaceX’s Falcon 9 on March 2024. As the first Orbital Servicing Vehicle (OSV) from Australia, Optimus, weighing 270 kilograms, marks a significant advancement in the nation’s sovereign space capabilities. Equipped with two Anywaves’ S-band antennas, it’s set to extend satellite lifespans, conduct inspections, and offer on-orbit assistance, heralding a new era in space sustainability. This mission represents a pivotal step towards the future of in-orbit satellite servicing operations, showcasing collaborative efforts with Australian SMEs and international partners.


AFR-1 satellite was built by a joint team of Berlin Space Technologies GmbH and Azista BST Aerospace. They have launched their first satellite, ABA First Runner (AFR), aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on June 13th, 2023, as part of the Transporter 8 Mission.
The satellite lifted off from Space Launch Complex 4E at Vandenberg Space Force Base, California. AFR is meant to be a technology demonstrator and will provide imaging services. The 80 kilogram satellite was built on a modular bus platform and hosts a wide-swath optical remote sensing payload with both panchromatic and multispectral imaging capabilities.

Anywaves provided two S-Band Antennas responsible for the Telemetry, Tracking and Control commands of the satellite.




Launched in March 2021, LacunaSat-2B was made possible through the collaboration of ESA, IoT connectivity provider Lacuna Space, and mission operator Open Cosmos. This pioneering nanosatellite has supported global connectivity by collecting data from Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices in remote locations.

LacunaSat-2B, has successfully completed its three-year mission and deorbited into Earth’s atmosphere in late April 2024. During its mission, the satellite demonstrated a commitment to sustainability and provided previously inaccessible data for various sectors, including environmental studies, agriculture and wildlife monitoring. LacunaSat-2B integrated Anywaves S-Band Antennas for its TT&C commands.

references flight heritage EyeSat min
P57765 HD CNES ill DUCROS David 2018
P70908 HD CNES DE PRADA Thierr 2022
Omnispace Spark min
Nara Space Observer 1A
lizzie sat
Space Machines Event Advanced Navigation Day 1
AFR 1 Satellite Anywaves Antennas
LacunaSat 2B - s band antenna anywaves

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Deep-rooted Synergy: The CNES and Anywaves Partnership

The relationship between Anywaves and CNES (Centre National d’Études Spatiales) stands as a testament to a robust partnership between space industry pioneers and innovators.

Founded by Nicolas Capet, who, since 2010, played a pivotal role at CNES’s Telecom Division, Anywaves has roots deeply intertwined with the national space agency. Capet’s tenure at CNES saw him leading antenna innovations, heading the antenna developments for the ATHENA program, and supervising pivotal R&D and Ph.D. projects.

This collaboration has been further enriched with joint ventures on missions such as EYESAT, ANGELS, and N3SS, and groundbreaking projects in Reflectarray technology, deployable helix, and more.
With joint achievements like the S-Band and X-Band antennas flown on EYESAT and ANGELS, and Anywaves’ recognition through the CNES Advance label, their alliance showcases the potential of harmonizing heritage expertise with cutting-edge innovation in space technology.

Site CNES Toulouse min
ESA siege Paris min

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Anywaves and ESA: A Collaborative History

Anywaves’ relationship with the European Space Agency (ESA) began early in its history, with its initial incubation at the ESA Business Incubation Centre (ESA BIC) South France between July 2017 and May 2018.
During this period, Anywaves secured its first contract with the ESA Innovation Triangle Initiative for 3D printed substrate tests and qualification and proceeded to sell its first S-band antenna model.
Following this incubation, Anywaves worked closely with the Electromagnetism & Navigation R&D department at the Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC) for 16 months.

Over time, multiple collaborative projects emerged, such as the GNSS All Bands design under ESA’s NAVISP program and the development of the GNSS L1/E1 Antenna with an innovative ceramic pattern. As an alumnus of ESA Space Solutions, Anywaves has consistently collaborated with ESA on various missions and projects, one of which includes the GOMX-5 mission.
Expected to launch in 2023, GOMX-5 is a 12U CubeSat operated by GomSpace and funded by ESA. This 5-year mission aims to demonstrate new nanosatellite capabilities involving communication and maneuverability.

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